Thursday, July 17, 2014

"When I See Dear Old Ausie Again" C Anderson 5.12.18

France 5/12/18

Dear Colina just a note hoping this will find you in the best of health as it leaves me at present allso (sic) Tom.  He is just the same old stick.  We was on our way to Germany but I doubt as if we will go there now.  We have been some days on the track now the trains run very slow here on account of the mines you never know when you are going to go up in the Cloud we was hung (?) up last week on account of a mine going up and blowing away the railway line.  We had to about 200 miles out of our way but we have about 100 miles on the march yet thank goodness I have a couple of horses to carry my gear so has Tom now I hope you get the photos allright I sent you a card it will be late but cannot he helped can it.  Any word Colina these poor folks have had a very bad time from the Boche they have stolen everything they had.  I have not seen a pair of boots here since I came up this way never let a hun (?) look me in the face here or in Australia I can tell you they will not get any kind return no from me.

Thank God we have not had to face any more horrors of war I was dreading another Winter our poor boys have fulfill there task that was set out before them.  Australia has one thing to be proud of that is that they never lost one foot of ground in France and gained every objecift(sic)  The only troops in the whole army that can say that much time will tell what our lads have done.  You all must be glad the job is over.  I will not be sorry when I see dear old Ausie once more.  Nobody can tell how good Australia is till they are away from it then you begin to wake up how good your own Country is I for one will take a lot getting away.  Well I don’t think we have much chance to get home before 6 months wellColina I have no much news So I will have to ring off Wishing you all my best wishes. Are we downheartedNo.No.No

From Yours


Charles Anderson

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