Sunday, March 9, 2014

"On Furlough" L.Spence

Hurdcott Camp May 8th (postcode on envelope is 6.8.17


Dear Colina,

I received your welcome letter last week after (I) came back from furlough.  I was pleased to here (sic) from you.  They are the first letter I have had since Xmas so I was pleased to get some news.  I had a good time in hosp in England for two months & then I went up to Scotland for my furlough.  I had a good time.  I wrote to Cathie when I was in hosp in France & she wrote to ask me to come up if I got any leave.  I was not sorry I went up as they treated me just as if I were home.


Cathie is just like the Spence's, dark eyes, and she could not do enough for us.  Son Spence was up there on leave when I got up there.  He went up the day before .  He was over from France on ten days leave.  They told me Alex was up to see them about Xmas time for a few days so he will be able to tell you how he like them.  Cathie's mother is just like Grandmother was in her way, she thinks that you should be all the time eating.  She (h)as been married twice & there is another daughter home married younger that Cathie.  She was married last (?) Oct & her husband (is) at sea so she stop home with them.  It is a very pretty place up were (sic) they live about 20 min ride in the train from Dundee & it (is) right on the banks of the Tay River & there is a very nice beach (ed note:  the word is beach to the best of what I can make out) also.


We had good weather the fortnight that we were up there & we are having grand weather in England just at present.  Just like Spring time in Aus so you can gess (sic) we are enjoying ourselfs.  It is convalescent camp I am in just at present but I won't be here long before I have to do some more training again.  I sent you a photo I put in with the one I sent to Ethel so do(n't) forget to ask her for it if she don't give it to you.

That's all the news just at present.  Remember me to your mother and father & Dug & George.

With the best of love


Cousin Leslie


(Ed note:  Leslie Spence)


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