Saturday, March 22, 2014

"The Longest Job I had, not the Best" C.Anderson

France. 12/7/18

Dear Colina 

just a line hoping this to find you as well as it leaves me at present.

I received your letter and was very glad to here from you. Tom got a little crack on the head. He got his skull fractured. I had a letter fro him to say that he is doing well. He said it was tray Bon Between sheets on the Spring Bed and nice kind Sisters to look after you.

  I all so had letters from Donal and Will. Rueben is in England on home service he has a good Chance to get home.  I had a letter from Cathie Spence.  She tells me that she expects Son over shortly to get married I will very likely get over there about the same time. Rom met Son a few weeks ago I think he looks a bit old a few years of this life makes a vast difference to anyone.  Well Colina,  our Boys have been stinging these beastly Boche up again we bag somewhere on 14:00 on the 4/4/18 and  a lot more since I see by yesterdays paper that Don's Batt have been giving him some hurry up. They are the Boys to put the wind up Fritz We now have new friends the Yanks to help us. they are good fellows the Ausies get on very well with them. I met Tom Dolly the other day he was going on the line he is in the 6 M. Gunn he looks well. I met a lot of my old Batt boys the other night I had a night sport with them before they moved forward to hunt the Confounded huns.  They are the boys to give them hurry up.

  I sopose Colina every thing is on the quiet side over on the old Stanhope Road.they are not so quiet here the Big Guns were going some this morning you could hear all the noises in the world at once but she is not such a bad game, after all there is one thing a man need not be afraid of getting the sack. this is the longest job I ever had, not the best, I have had better.

well I sopose it will come right in time, I will be right back in good old rushworth some of these days.  This war ort to be over in 10 or 12 years a man will have a good deferred pay enough with the old age pension. Ha.  But we will be the Winners good winners too.

Well Colina, I have very little news to say so I will have to close. Wishing you my best wishes, so goodbye, all is well with the Australians, they are all in good heart.

From Yours Sincerely,

Charles Anderson

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