Sunday, March 9, 2014

"Dead Letter Office" D.Anderson

(Ed:  Postscript at top of page, diagonally in the top margin)

excuse these few short lines as it is only two weeks since I wrote last I was just thinking that you and Doll have changed your names & my letters have gone to the Dead letter office so if yours have don’t forget to send some back. From Don



Dear Colina

Just a few lines to let you know that I am in the best of health and hoping this will find you the same.  I have not had any news from your way since xmas.  And I have just about wrote 50 letters & have received no answer to them.  So I am going to have a spell now till  some turns up.  I had a letter from Tom & Charlie last week and there are all well .  I met Harry Arthur last night.  He said that he met Billy Brown.  I heard Les Spence is wounded.  Gib Rolestone was killed.  Eri Williamson is hear  with us.  But not in my Batt.  I supose the grain carting is all about finished now.  I suppose there was a good harvest.  Is the line finished yet.  We won’t be long before we will have spring hear and we wont be sorry to see some warm weather as its been a long winter for us.  How is Mick getting on.   I have had only one letter from him yet.  He must have a tired fit for writing.  He can beat Lucy as I have not had a letter from her yet.  We are having a rest at present out of the trenches. That MacKenzie that we went to the pay with in Melb he got wounded about four months ago.  He was sent to London.  I have not heard lately how he is getting on.   Its funny to see the way the French people have, the women seem to do all the work & they harvest all the corn with a stick just like the olden times its fun to watch them at work.  I will be able to give you all the news about them later on.  If all goes well as I cannot give you much at present so now I must ring off hoping to hear from you soon as I am going to wait till  I get some letters before I write any more.  So by by 

I remain Yours Faithfully Don

(Ed note: grammar, punctuation and spelling errors are original authors own and have been retained for flavour and flow. This letter was written in pencil.)

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